As you know, I've been a single mom for a while now. After a series of un-right relationships, I've recently begun dating someone - and he's definitely in "boyfriend-range". Dorian's Dad has a girlfriend - but Dorian thinks that we both just have "friends". We haven't withheld that info from him - but we haven't really given the significant other in our lives an official label. He knows their name and is developing a relationship with them, just like he does with my other friends.
Recently, a friend asked me on a double date. "Bring your boyfriend - can't wait to meet him!". I hear a little voice from the backseat ring in....
"No - Daddy's your boyfriend!"
I laughed and said, "What do you mean, Dorian?"
Dorian knows that Ian and I are his parents and we love them. He (thankfully) sees us getting along so well - that he thinks we are still a unit but living in different areas. I call that a win!

Successful co-parenting, as you know, is a passion of mine. It's not Dorian's fault - he didn't choose that his parents not stay married!
I know this will be an ongoing discussion. We divorced when Dorian was 2 so having that discussion wasn't really important but as he grows up, the conversation about how and why we don't live in the same house continue to emerge from time to time. I always speak the truth but make sure that the answer is anchored in our love for him and wanting the absolute best and sometimes that means not living in the same house.
How do you successfully co-parent? Share your tips in the comments below!
- Lisa