As we kicked off the first meeting of 2025, I decided to break the ice by asking the group, “How was your holiday break?” What followed was a tapestry of stories that painted a vivid picture of modern life—a juggling act between work and family, often with more balls in the air than we’d like to admit. The tales were funny, chaotic, and deeply relatable. By the end of the sharing, one thing was clear: we all came into the new year not as bright-eyed and refreshed as we might have hoped.
For working professionals—especially those who are also parents—there’s no such thing as completely checking out. As much as we wish otherwise, we carry an invisible backpack of responsibilities and mental load wherever we go. And while the calendar changes, that mental load doesn’t magically lighten. If anything, it intensifies when school is out, sports ramp up, and holidays blur the lines between “vacation” and “just more logistics in a different setting.”
Take my family’s New Year’s, for example. We spent it in Marlborough, Massachusetts, at a hockey tournament. It wasn’t the “sit-back-and-relax” kind of holiday, but it was time spent together, cheering on my son as he played the sport we all love. It was messy and exhausting—but also beautiful in its own way. Because here’s the thing: the myth of balance often sets us up for disappointment. Life isn’t about achieving perfect equilibrium; it’s about taking the circumstances we’re handed and making the best of them.
It’s kind of like making a meal out of leftovers. You take what’s in the fridge, combine it in a way that makes sense (or doesn’t), and hope for the best. Sometimes it’s a hit, and other times you’re reaching for the takeout menu—but it feels good to use what you have. You’ve fed your family, avoided waste, and exercised a bit of creativity in the process. If you’re like me and trying to get organized, eat healthier, and make life a little easier, I highly recommend checking out WatermelonPie.com. It’s an awesome recipe-sharing community that’s been a game-changer for my meal planning.
So, if you’re stepping into 2025 feeling a little less “new year, new you” and a little more “new year, same load,” you’re not alone. Let’s acknowledge that invisible backpack we’re all carrying and give ourselves some credit for navigating life’s juggling act. Whether it’s a hockey tournament in a neighboring state or a makeshift meal of fridge scraps, we’re showing up, adjusting, and making it work. And sometimes, that’s more than enough.